Virtual Home Viewings, The New Normal
Property Plunge recently posted a great article on virtual viewings and their place in the industry today.
What Is Virtual Home Viewing?
Virtual Home Viewing’s aren’t brand new to the market, but they are significantly more important than they were a few months ago thanks to COVID-19. Now more than ever, the ability to view properties from the comfort of your own living room is very important.
Basically, a virtual home viewing allows you to browse the inside of a property at your leisure. Estate agents have really started ramping up the use of it to help sell properties in these difficult times.
There’s a few different ways of how this works: 3D Photos, Video Tours or even cooler – self guided virtual tours. They all work slightly differently, but the idea is simple – they give you the ability to look around a property without having to go out and physically see it.
You can read the full article by clicking here